
The house mouse is a common mouse seen living in a home. They are typically 7.5-10 cm long with a tail of 2-3.9 inches long. They range in color from white to brown to black. They have short hair or very little at all. They run quickly and can jump vertically. They run on all fours but stand on back two legs when eating, fighting or watching. Mice don’t love bright lights so tend to be nocturnal.
How they affect us
Salmonellosis is a mouse-borne disease often contracted by humans. Mice also chew through electrical wires, books, furniture and clothing. Chewed through electrical wires can lead to fires. Breathing dust polluted with mice feces and urine causes Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a viral infection causing fever, headaches, lack of appetite and nausea.
Sealing every little hole is the most effective way to prevent mice from entering your home. Mice fit into holes one quarter of an inch and bigger. If you can fit a pencil in a hole, a mouse can get through it. Seal cracks in the foundation and any openings in the walls, including pipe holes, and vents. Mice are gnawers so you must use a material they can’t gnaw through, like steel wool or caulking. Weather stripping on windows and doors is necessary as well. Good sanitation won’t get rid of mice but poor sanitation attracts them. Have a cat or dog. They really do chase mice away. Or carry them away.
A good old mouse trap works. There are bait traps, multi-capture traps and glue traps. Mice like peanut butter, chocolate, bacon, oatmeal or dried fruit. Place the trap along the wall, as the mouse will run along the wall to get to its food source. Mice rarely travel more than 10-20 feet from its nesting area. Change the traps every couple of days.